Monday, November 29, 2010

a lack of desire when running

I really don't know what it is. Maybe it was the semi fit female who just ran by me as if I was carrying a 50 lb bag of concrete. Or the fact that I just got passed by another as I typed that sentence all I know is I am so unmotivated to run that tonight 2.8 miles into the run I stopped. It wasn't poor music on Pandora Radio (that I listen to while running oon my phone) maybe it was stepping on the scale before running and reading 206.4 lbs. I just have zero desire to run and wish there was a pill I could just swallow and lose 40 lbs and rediscover something that used to bring me happiness and passion and endless energy. Oh well the benefit of writing a blog from your cell phone as you walk like a chub back to the gym.
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1 comment:

Meaghan said...

Okay, take a new approach. Screw running a few weeks. Allow yourself to actually miss it. Go to the gym, be active, workout a few times a week, but don't run. The big thing you're missing is establishing a routine. The rest of your life starts today.